About the Artist
Nell Hergenrather received her formal art training at the University of California at UC Santa Barbara, where she primarily worked with oil on canvas. Over the last 30 years, she has been sculpting, mold-making, and using cutting edge materials to create plants, landscapes, cityscapes, and underwater worlds.
Nell’s new collection is distinctly coastal in color and composition. Featuring “reef-scapes” and abstracted landscapes starring the rolling hills of the Sonoma County landscape, where she has lived most of her life.
“I have a particular affinity towards visionary artist like Buckminster Fuller and Ruth Asawa, and more recently, Zaha Hadid. They shared their work to show beauty and innovation in design, at both personal and societal levels. I paint landscapes and reefs-scapes to connect to what exists already on this fascinating planet and also to emphasize what could be, if we are to find a way to live in some sort of harmony with our natural world. Domed buildings and landscapes teeming with biodiversity are all part of my hope for the future.”